A special school run by Health and Education for All (HEAL) providing free education for disadvantaged & underprivileged children

Founder’s Message


We created Heal, as we believe that every child has a right to have a good life. We have created a strong family atmosphere at Heal, so that all our children feel that they can rely on our support help them realise their dreams.
At Heal we know that having a good education is the key to realising dreams, and thanks to our wonderful teachers, and our inspirational Principal Saibabu, we have been able to help our children to achieve wonderful results. Many of our children go on to further education and university. Others excel in other ways. They all go out into the world, confident that they can achieve everything they want.
We also believe it is important for our children to learn other skills and realise the talents that lie inside them. We have a large number of after-school clubs and activities: like our science club, our radio club, our artists and cultural clubs and inventors club. We also have excellent sports facilities and our children are often finalists in regional competitions We in the Heal family take great pride in our children.
Participating in these activities fosters their emotional well-being and helps develop their self-esteem. As their self-confidence grows, their aspirations for escaping the poverty trap also grow.
Finally, I’m very excited to tell you about the way the school encourages our students to look after the environment, to understand we must tend nature, and it will repay with its bounty. Our students help in the kitchen gardens, so they understand the importance of taking what they need from nature, not what they want.
We wish all children a happy and enriching experience at Heal Paradise, and remember, that if you believe in yourself, there is nothing in this world that you cannot achieve with right effort and discipline
See what you have, you will always be happy and rich. See what you do not have, you will always be poor and unhappy. Remember, the world, both external and internal, exists in the way you perceive it and that perception depends on your experience:
• Keep your creativity and happiness alive
• Keep an open mind in pursuit of truth

With Love and best wishes for a fulfilling and happy stay at Heal Paradise,
– Satyaji
Founder Chairman,
Health and Education for All (HEAL)