Our Behaviour Policy: (May 2015)
- Our vision
Heal Paradise Village is a happy harmonious learning community where staff and students feel safe and secure. School life is characterised by a calm purposeful environment underpinned by relationships built upon trust and mutual respect. Our expectation is that all students and staff will behave in appropriate and socially acceptable ways. Every member of staff has a key role to play in promoting and sustaining the highest standards of behaviour for learning.
1.1 All students will
- Treat other young people and adults with respect
- Speak politely to other people
- Have self-confidence and high self-esteem
- Take care of all school equipment and buildings
- Develop a good work ethic and a love for lifelong learning.
- Learning to behave
2.1 The school aims to provide a safe, secure, supportive environment where students can learn and teachers can teach. There is a direct link between the way young people learn and their behaviour. It is the job of staff at all levels to help and encourage students’ understanding of socially acceptable and appropriate behaviour. Staff behaviour should be a good example to all students at all times.
2.1 To encourage this, staff will:
- Model exemplary behaviour
- Treat all children and adults with respect
- Speak politely to each other
- Build student confidence and self-esteem through positive reinforcement
- Avoid using critical, sarcastic, loud or bullying language
- Recognise student effort and achievements on a regular basis and celebrate success
- Keep guardians and sponsors regularly informed about success, efforts and achievements
- Challenge unacceptable behaviour
2.2We will not accept the following behaviour from either students or staff. Students who do not meet the expected level of behaviour will receive sanctions. Staff who do not meet the expected level of behaviour will be subject to disciplinary action which could lead to dismissal,
- Disrupting the learning of others
- Rude or inappropriate language
- Acts of aggression or any kind of physical violence
- Bullying or intimidation
- Racist, sexist or homophobic comments
- Vandalism
2.3 If unacceptable behaviour occurs, members of staff will:
- Challenge the behaviour
- Tell the child what we find unacceptable and why
- Explain how they could have behaved differently, modelling what they could have done or said
- Try to find out why the child is behaving this way
- If the poor behaviour is repeated, sanctions will be applied. At no time will physical punishment or any form of unnatural punishment be used. Any staff member who breaks this rule will be subject to disciplinary action which could lead to dismissal.
- Promoting positive behaviour
3.1 The school recognises that students learn best in an environment where they feel safe, secure and are happy. This enables the students to develop a love of learning and will encourage them to become ‘life time learners’. Students are all different having differing skills and talents. It is important that the school provides an environment that rewards all aspects of achievements and gives the opportunity for each student to attain their full potential. To achieve this staff will, on a daily basis through the giving of ‘reward stickers’ or ‘merit points’ and on a periodic basis through the awarding of prizes, reward:
- Diligent work irrespective of the ability of the student.
- Good behaviour in the classroom
- Good standards of academic work.
- Academic work to the potential of the student.
- Good artistic work.
- Good sporting achievements.
- Good performances both musical and theatrical.
- Acts of consideration and generosity.
- Any other behaviour worthy of encouragement.
- Applying sanctions
4.1 It is inevitable that there will be times that when a student will display unacceptable behaviour that requires the use of sanctions. This may be because of repeated episodes of disruptive behaviour or a single incident of very bad behaviour, for example bullying of a fellow student. At all times it is important that the student be given an opportunity to explain their action; understand the consequence of continued bad behaviour and understand why the sanction is being applied. Sanctions which may be used include:
- For disruptive behaviour, after three warnings, 5 minutes of standing alone in the corner contemplating their own behaviour.
- Sent to see the head teacher, to explain their behaviour.
- A short period (15 minutes) of detention during which they write down why their behaviour was unacceptable.
- Excluded from a single enjoyable activity, such as a film night or a picnic, and required to do a menial task in its place, for example picking up litter in the school grounds.
- Safeguarding the students
5.1 All aspects of student safety are paramount. It is important that students are not exposed to inappropriate materials over computer networks. The school firewall is the first line of defence against this. Staff may observe student’s computer screens as they are used. Where a staff member suspect that inappropriate material may be held on a student’s computer or within a student’s computer account the staff member will have the right to inspect and delete any such material. It is important that real grounds for suspicion are established before any such action otherwise ‘trust’ will be lost.